Endfittment Plywood

End fittment Plywood

Endfittment plywood, also called flanges, are specialized plywood discs used to protect and support rolls of valuable materials like BOPP films, polyester films, and other specialty items. These discs serve as the end caps for the rolls, ensuring safe and efficient transportation, storage, and handling.

Key Features


Made from multiple plies of veneer, cross-laid for maximum strength and stability.

Often treated with resins and adhesives to enhance its durability and resistance to moisture, wear, and tear.



BOPP and Polyester Film Packaging: The most common application, protecting film rolls during production, transport, and storage.

Other Specialty Rolls: Ideal for safeguarding rolls of paper, textiles, carpets, and other sensitive materials.

Industrial Equipment: Used as sturdy components in various industrial machinery and applications.



High strength and rigidity: Can withstand heavy loads and pressure without warping or breaking.

Dimensional stability: Resists moisture and temperature changes, maintaining its shape and size.

Durability: Made to last in harsh industrial environments.

Cost-effective: Compared to solid wood or other materials, end fitment plywood offers a good balance of performance and price.

Generally , plywood end fitments are manufactured in a thickness range between 9-34mm. The sizes generally requested are:

500x500mm 610x610mm 715x715mm
750x750mm 850x850mm 1000x1000mm